Thursday, 23 May 2013

How to Combine: Green shoes!

In general, I try to have standard-colour shoes so I can match them with everything. But today my friend Marian (check her lovely blog) has asked me to do a little research on green shoes.  Oh la la.  So cute. It´s true that in winter might be more difficult, but for summer are perfect!! Far from being hard to match, they can easiliy go with any outfit, Take a look!

Normalmente, intento tener zapatos de colores estándar para poder combinarlos con cualquier cosa.  Pero hoy mi amiga Marian (su blog!) me ha pedido que haga un poco de investigación en zapaticos verdes.  Oh la la. Que bonitos.  Es verdad que en invierno puede que sean más difíciles de combinar, pero para verano son perfectos.  Pensaba que sería una ardua tarea encontrar conjuntos chulos, pero nada más lejos de la realidad.  Mirad!

Too cute with capri bllue/jean pants

With yellow or red, nice!

I like the green as a touch of colour in a dark/grey look

And we can also go all let´s colour up it´s Spring! :)

Perfect and classy with a total blue/navy look

Also cute with a total black, and more sophisticated with a green+green look

More green+green. I really like the one in the left, with a white t-shirt for example

And finally, with orange and camel!

 Photos from Pinterest

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