A couple of days ago I went to the cinema to watch The Hunger Games. Much better than I expected. Two hours staring at the big screen. Maybe I would not have chosen that ending, but the film is very catching.
In the cast we have: Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss (beautiful, I am so doing a It Girl post just for her), Josh Hutcherson, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Elizabeth Banks (the "bad one" in Blade Trinity), Wes Bently and Lenny Kravitz. Yes, I couldnt believe it, I was in the cinema like: He IS Lenny. No, he is not. But he looks just like him. Yess, he is. Mmmmh. Im gonna check it in google. If you wanna know more, IMDB (here)
El otro día fui al cine a ver Los Juegos del Hambre. Mucho mejor de lo que me esperaba. Dos horas mirando la pantalla. Igual yo habría hecho otro final, pero la peli te atrapa, la verdad.
En el cast tenemos a: Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss (guapísima, tengo que hacer obligatorio un post It Girl sobre ella), Josh Hutcherson, Woody Harrelson, Donald Sutherland, Elizabeth Banks (la mala en Blade Trinity), Wes Bently and Lenny Kravitz. Si, Lenny. En el cine estaba en plan: es; no es; tiene que ser, es igualito; mmmh, voy a mirar en google.
Si queréis saber más de la peli, IMBD (aquí)Photos by The Hunger Games Movie